Energy Renewals Direct

Energy Renewals Direct are a leading UK business energy solutions provider. They negotiate business electricity & gas contracts on behalf of businesses across all market sectors in the United Kingdom. Agreements are held with the main energy suppliers in the market such as British Gas, Eon, Edf, NPower etc.

A leads focused web design layout

During our consultation Energy Renewals Direct highlighted that they were interested in a solution which could help increase leads and enquiries generated over the Internet. Their previous website attracted virtually no enquiries or web hits, and their current 'dull' website image was something that they wanted to completely change around in order to hopefully attract more business customers across the U.K.

The results

As a result of the newly implemented website web form submissions to Energy Renewals Direct have increased by over 80%, and inbound telephone enquiries have more than doubled. They have expanded the sales team in response to the growth in customers base.

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